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Using ES6 unsupported libraries in TypeScirpt

I’m assuming here that you’ve already read my blog for initializing webpack application, if you’ve not read it yet, I advise you to read it here, before reading this post.

There are many Libraries which do not support ES6 import syntax, and exposes some global variables, such as jQuery exposes jQuery & $ in global scope, AngularJS exposes angular in global scope. Thus we need a loader which can evaluate the imported script file in the global scope, for this we’ll use script-loader.

Installing Packages


For example, I’m showing how to use jQuery with typescript application.

You can see here, I’ve used “script-loader!” as prefix for the package name i.e. jquery. This tells the webpack to pass the imported script into script-loader before importing. Therefore, when the contents of the script are passed into the script loader, it evaluates them in the global scope of the browser.

Lets put some jQuery code in index.ts, to see the magic of the script-loader.

You’ll see the text inserted as HTML into the element having id demo-text . Output will be something like this.

You can use any library or script which exposes global variables in browser’s global scope using this method.

Thanks for reading the post. Please applause and share if you liked the post. If you have any query or problem, please let me know in the comments.

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