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A Little Love Goes a Long Way

Beauty and The Beast is a tale as old as time, but retold to be better than before.

Belle is a girl who wanted something more. She wasn’t happy with her life in a small French town. She clearly wanted something more. She wanted something more than being ‘forced’ into love with Gaston, who wouldn’t leave her alone. Belle’s father is an inventor and he tells her that his new invention will be a wood chopping machine and that there lives will be better than ever before. Her father (Maurice) sets out to take his invention to the fair, he loses his horse, gets scared by some wolves and stumbles upon a castle that he hopes he can use as shelter for the night. When Maurice’s horse returns back to their home without him she decides that she needs to go find him. Belle encounters the wolves and the tree falling just as her father did and she ends up at the Beast’s castle with her father. Belle tells the Beast to take her instead and he agrees. As Belle is living in the castle she meets the enchanted objects who in turn become the ones who drive the villagers away from the castle. After Gaston and the Beast fight, Belle tries to comfort the Beast and tells him that she loves him, and the spell is lifted. Belle and the Prince live happily ever after.

Bill Condon did a wonderful job directing this film. He couldn’t have picked a better Belle, Emma Watson deserves this role more than anyone else. In Beauty and the Beast we see a different Emma Watson, not the same girl from Harry Potter or Perks of Being a Wallflower, this Emma Watson is someone who is overly joyed by her role as Belle. Watson fits so well into this role, it’s almost as if she’s being herself rather than acting. In my opinion, Watson tends to be washed out and sad looking in her roles, however in this movie she looks resilient and happy. Most of Condon’s movies follow the same supernatural theme as Beauty and The Beast. The Twilight Saga consists of vampires and werewolves fighting for the love of the ‘normal’ girl. Twilight and Beauty and the Beast have one important thing in common; they both have animals who turn into people and fictional ideas that couldn’t possibly be real in the present day. However, Condon does a great job with films like these, he really does make them seem real.

As Beauty and the Beast has always been one of my favorite ‘princess’ movies, I feel that this one has done it in. Condon created something that is so real and so emotion packed that it can never be recreated again. This may be just another princess movie where in the end the girl gets the guy, but this is something more. This is a learning experience, the Beast started off mean and scary and slowly over time he lightened up and was nicer. This could be a life lesson, some people just need love to make them feel again. A person shouldn’t be judged for being scorned or for having a wall up, because sometimes that wall has been built because of something that has hurt them. The Beast wasn’t supposed to be evil, he was just a prince, but needed the love to bring him back. It’s important to realize that a little love goes a long way. Condon couldn’t have done a better job with this film.

Grade: A++

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