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What is One Way to Study The Bible?

A look at the SIMPLE Method designed by Janis Cox

Photo from Aaron Burden from UnSplash

During Lent I am reading selected passages from Mark. I use my SIMPLE Bible study method to hear what lessons God has for me.

Look up other versions. I write out the verse in my journal. Then I highlight words that stick out to me. This time “Son of Man” and “Three days later he will rise.”

From my written Bible Journal February 2018.

I check the notes (I use a study Bible), and the references. I also google the passage and read commentaries. How deep I go depends on time.

I read that Jesus’ most common title for Himself was “Son of Man” and it is found 81 times in the Gospels. Only Jesus used these words in the Gospels.

In Daniel I found this prophecy:

Jesus is determined.
The story is planned already.
Jesus sees the future.

Jesus will follow the path set before Him.
Jesus knew Who He is.

Jesus knew He would die and rise,
Scriptures tell us
Confirmed in Daniel and Revelation.

I had a powerful meditation time with God this morning. I sensed His power but also His love.

Remember I have the plan.
Remember I will lead you.
Don’t go ahead of me.
Don’t drag your feet.

Be audacious and bold.
Try new things.
Be joyful — laugh more!
Seek Me in all you do.

Thank You, Lord, for releasing pressure that I have “to do”. Also thank You for telling me to press on — to do Your will, not mine. I know You will give me the thoughts and words I need. I know You are in charge. In Jesus’ name. Amen

I love to Bible journal or Bible art.

Here is my painting from this verse.

Bible Journal from February 2018

Are you interested in painting in your Bible but don’t think you can do it?

I have a very easy method of Bible Journaling that I would like to share with you. I am working on a free course that will help you learn how to do this. No art skills needed. I am starting a wait list for the course and you will be the first to join if you sign up.

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